Their work, ‘Sigma-1 receptor recruits LC3 mRNA to ER-associated omegasomes to promote localized LC3 translation enabling functional autophagy’, was published in Cell Reports on August 10, 2024.
Congratulations to Madison!
Congratulations to Madison Pletan for publishing her paper in (August 31, 2023).
Congratulations to Tai-Ting and Jeff W!
Congratulations to Tai-Ting Woo and Jeff Williams for publishing their paper in (July 04, 2023).
Congratulations to Jeff W and Jay!
Congratulations to Jay and Jeff Williams for publishing their paper in Journal of Cell Biology (April 24, 2023).
Congratulations to Mara and Tai-Ting!
Congratulations to Mara and Tai-Ting for publishing their paper in Science Advances (January 20, 2023).
Congratulations to Madison!
Congratulations to Madison Pletan for publishing her review paper in PLoS Pathogens (December 8, 2022).
Congratulations to Chelsey and Grace!
Congratulations to Chelsey Spriggs and Grace Cha for publishing a paper in PLoS Pathogens (September 6, 2022).
Congratulations to Pari and Katy!
Congratulations to Parikshit Bagchi and Katy Speckhart for publishing their paper in PLoS Pathogens (July 14, 2022).
Our accomplishments during COVID-19: Congratulations to the Tsai lab publications in 2021
1. Chen, Y-J*., Knupp, J*., Arunagiri, A., Haataja, L., Arvan, P., and Tsai, B. (2021) PGRMC1 acts as a size-selective cargo receptor to drive ER-phagic clearance of mutant prohormones. Nature Communications 12, 5991. * equal contribution 2. Bagchi, P*., Liu, X*., Cho, W.J., and Tsai, B. (2021). Lunapark-dependent formation of a virus-induced ER exit site contains multi-tubular ER junctions that promote viral ER-to-cytosol escape. Cell…
Congratulations to Pari!
Congratulations to Parikshit Bagchi for publishing for his paper in Nature Communications (February 28, 2020).