Tsai Lab

Billy Tsai

Corydon Ford Collegiate Professor

Research Focus: Host-pathogen interactions, ER protein quality control, viral infection, diabetes

Yu-Jie (Jay) Chen

Research Investigator

Jay completed his Ph.D. program at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He joined the lab as post-doctoral fellow.

Chao-Yin Cheng

Research Investigator

Chao-Yin completed his Ph.D. in the Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He joined the lab as a Research Investigator.

Tai-Ting Woo

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Tai-Ting studied chromosome biology and received his Ph.D. in National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan.

Riya Sarkar

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Riya completed her PhD from Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, India. She joined the Tsai lab as a post doctoral fellow.

Katy Speckhart

Graduate Student

Katy received her B.A. degree in Biology from Blackburn College.

Jeffrey Williams

Graduate Student

Jeff received his B.S. degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan.

Renaldo Sutanto

Graduate Student

Renaldo received his B.S. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from University of Washington.

Whitney Reid

Graduate Student

Whitney Reid received her B.S. degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Michigan in 2023.

Emily Wang

Graduate Student

Emily received her B.S. degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Michigan in 2021.

Luke Gohmann

Graduate Student

Luke received his B.S. degree in Molecular Biology from Indiana University in 2023.

Ethan Houck

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Ethan is a current sophomore at the University of Michigan


Grace Cha
Laboratory Research TechnicianMedical StudentMichigan State University, College of Human Medicine, MI
Jeffrey Knupp
Graduate StudentPost-doctoral FellowUniversity of Michigan Medical School, lab of Ryan Baldridge
Madison Pletan
Graduate StudentMedical WriterPrecision AQ, MI
Mara Harwood
Graduate StudentResearch FellowVertex Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA
Chelsey Spriggs
Post-doctoral FellowAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Michigan Medical School, MI
Parikshit Bagchi
Research InvestigatorScientist Vir Biotechnology, Inc., St. Louis, MO, USA
Ellen James
Laboratory Research TechnicianGraduate StudentEastern Michigan University
Jeffrey Williams
Laboratory Research Technician Graduate studentUniversity of Michigan Medical School, MI
Allison Dupzyk
Graduate Student Post-doctoral FellowStanford University, lab of Jan Carette
Graduate Student Post-doctoral Fellow University of Utah/HHMI, lab of Jared Rutter
Aaron Chang
Undergraduate Student   Medical Student Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, MI
Takamasa Inoue
Assistant Research Scientist InvestigatorInfectious Pathogen Research Section, Kobe, Japan
Madhu Ravindran
Post-doctoral FellowPrincipal InvestigatorBristol-Myers Squibb, Bangalore, India
Kaiyu He
Post-doctoral Fellow Study DirectorCharles River Laboratories, MI
Grace Chen
Undergraduate Student Medical StudentUniversity of Cincinnati College of Medicine, OH
Paul Heiselman
Undergraduate Student Graduate Student  
Anthony Snyder
Post-doctoral Fellow Post-doctoral FellowIndiana University, IN
Chris Walczak
Graduate Student Post-doctoral FellowStanford University, CA; presently as a Senior Scientist, Pfizer, CA
Paul Moore
Graduate Student Post-doctoral FellowUCSF, CA
Kaleena Bernardi
Graduate Student Research Project ManagerMoffit Cancer Center, FL
Faye Bradbury
Research Investigator Associate Dean of Liberal Arts and SciencesChamberlain University, MI
(2009) Mengding Qian Graduate StudentStatisticianAKO Capital LLP, UK
Emily Rainey-Barger
Graduate StudentAdjunct FacultyLakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH
James Mahn
Undergraduate Student   Radiology FellowUniversity of Michigan Medical School, MI
Michele Forster
Graduate Student Compliance OfficerFood and Drug Administration, MI
Jennifer Mahn
Undergraduate Student   DirectorSupport Services and Network Coordination, MI
Brian Magnuson
Undergraduate StudentStudentBioinformatician, University of Michigan, MI